\Magento\Sales\Model\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface::getList accepts a SearchCriteriaInterface to filter and sort information.
What class assists in creating an instance for SearchCriteriaInterface?
You have added a new attribute origin of the type varchar to the product entity.
Which two calls will filter a product collection with origin set to ''California''? (Choose two.)
The module MyCompany_MyModule will add a new page in the admin interface to display a custom entity in a grid.
You created a controller for this grid \MyCompany\MyModule\Controller\Adminhtml\CustomEntity\Index
The constructor function for \Magento\Catalog\Model\Category contains this excerpt:
With the automatic dependency injection that Magento provides, how is the StoreManagerInterface resolved?
You are adding an entry to the backend menu. To do so you open a core etc/adminhtml/menu.xml file as a reference. In the file you see the node:
What is the result of specifying resource=''Magento_Catalog::catalog''?