Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner - Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
Exam Code:
Related Certification(s): ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner CFE Certification
Certification Provider: ACFE
Number of CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes practice questions in our database:
186 (updated: Jan. 19, 2025)
Expected CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes Exam Topics, as suggested by ACFE :
- Topic 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the fraud schemes, internal controls to deter fraud and other auditing and accounting matters
- Topic 2: Tests your comprehension of the types of fraudulent financial transactions incurred in accounting records
- Topic 3: Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes/ Demonstrate knowledge of the basic accounting and auditing theory
- Topic 4: Ensures the familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examinations
- Topic 5: Demonstrate knowledge of criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert witness matters
- Topic 6: Demonstrate knowledge of tracing illicit transactions, evaluating deception and report writing
- Topic 7: Tests your understanding of why people commit fraud and ways to prevent it
- Topic 8: Demonstrate knowledge of interviewing, taking statements, obtaining information from public records
- Topic 9: Demonstrate knowledge of Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
- Topic 10: Demonstrate knowledge of crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention
Demonstrate knowledge of fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.
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