Dr. Burns sees newborn baby James at the birthing center on the same day after the cesarean delivery. Dr. Burns examined baby James, the maternal and newborn history, ordered appropriate blood test tests and hearing screening. He met with the family at the end of the exam.
How would Dr. Bums report his services?
Dr. Burns is providing initial hospital or birthing center care for the evaluation and management of a normal newborn infant. CPT code 99460 is used to report initial hospital or birthing center care, per day, for evaluation and management of a normal newborn infant. This includes a comprehensive history, examination, and medical decision-making. The description of the service provided fits this CPT code accurately. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), AMA.
View MR 002395
MR 002395
Operative Report
Pre-operative Diagnosis: Acute rotator cuff tear
Post-operative Diagnosis: Acute rotator cuff tear, synovitis
1) Rotator cuff repair
2) Biceps Tenodesis
3) Claviculectomy
4) Coracoacromial ligament release
Indication: Rotator cuff injury of a 32-year-old male, sustained while playing soccer.
Findings: Complete tear of the right rotator cuff, synovitis, impingement.
Procedure: The patient was prepared for surgery and placed in left lateral decubitus position. Standard posterior arthroscopy portals were made followed by an anterior-superior portal. Diagnostic arthroscopy was performed. Significant synovitis was carefully debrided. There was a full-thickness upper 3rd subscapularis tear, which was repaired. The lesser tuberosity was debrided back to bleeding healthy bone and a Mitek 4.5 mm helix anchor was placed in the lesser tuberosity. Sutures were passed through the subcapulans in a combination of horizontal mattress and simple interrupted fashion and then tied. There was a partial-thickness tearing of the long head of the biceps. The biceps were released and then anchored in the intertubercular groove with a screw. There was a large anterior acromial spur with subacromial impingement. A CA ligament was released and acromioplasty was performed. Attention was then directed to the
supraspinatus tendon tear. The tear was V-shaped and measured approximately 2.5 cm from anterior to posterior. Two Smith & Nephew PEEK anchors were used for the medial row utilizing Healicoil anchors. Side-to-side stitches were placed. One set of suture tape from each of the medial anchors was then placed through a laterally placed Mitek helix PEEK knotless anchor which was fully inserted after tensioning the tapes. A solid repair was obtained. Next there were severe degenerative changes at the AC joint of approximately 8 to 10 mm. The distal clavicle was resected taking care to preserve the superior AC joint capsule. The shoulder was thoroughly lavaged. The instruments were removed and the incisions were closed in routine fashion. Sterile dressing was applied. The patient was transferred to recovery in stable condition.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?
29827: Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is correctly coded as 29827.
29828: Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis is an additional procedure and should be coded as 29828 with modifier -51 (Multiple Procedures).
29824: Arthroscopic claviculectomy (partial resection of the distal clavicle) is coded as 29824 with modifier -51.
29826: Arthroscopic subacromial decompression, including coracoacromial ligament release, is coded as 29826.
All these procedures were performed arthroscopically and documented in the operative report, justifying the use of these codes and the use of modifier -51 for multiple procedures.
CPT Professional Edition, AMA
View MR 007400
MR 007400
Radiology Report
Patient: J. Lowe Date of Service: 06/10/XX
Age: 45
MR#: 4589799
Account #: 3216770
Location: ABC Imaging Center
Study: Mammogram bilateral screening, all views, producing direct digital image
Reason: Screen
Bilateral digital mammography with computer-aided detection (CAD)
No previous mammograms are available for comparison.
Clinical history: The patient has a positive family history (mother and sister) of breast cancer.
Mammogram was read with the assistance of GE iCAD (computerized diagnostic) system.
Findings: No dominant speculated mass or suspicious area of clustered pleomorphic microcalcifications is apparent Skin and nipples are seen to be normal. The axilla are unremarkable.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?
The procedure performed is a bilateral screening mammogram with computer-aided detection (CAD). CPT code 77067 is for bilateral screening mammography with CAD. ICD-10-CM code Z12.31 is for an encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of the breast. Z80.3 is for a family history of malignant neoplasm of the breast. Therefore, the correct coding is 77067, Z12.31, Z80.3. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), ICD-10-CM (current year).
View MR 005398
MR 005398
Operative Report
Preoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.
Postoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.
Procedure: Right nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy.
Findings and Procedure: Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the right flank position. Right flank and abdomen were prepared and draped out of the sterile field. Skin incision was made between the 11th and 12th ribs laterally. The incision was carried down through the underlying subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and fasci
a. The right retroperitoneal space was entered. Using blunt and sharp dissection, the right kidney was freed circumferentially. The right artery, vein, and ureter were identified. The ureter was dissected downward where it is completely obstructed in its distal extent. The ureter was clipped and divided distally. The right renal artery was then isolated and divided between 0 silk suture ligatures. The right renal vein was also ligated with suture ligatures and 0 silk ties. The right kidney and ureter were then submitted for pathologic evaluation. The operative field was inspected, and there was no residual bleeding noted, and then it was carefully irrigated with sterile water. Wound closure was then undertaken using 0 Vicryl for the fascial layers, 0 Vicryl for the muscular layers, 2-0 chromic for subcutaneous tissue, and clips for the skin. A Penrose drain was brought out through the dependent aspect of the incision. The patient lost minimal blood and tolerated the procedure well.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?
The procedure involves a right nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy for a nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.
Procedure Description:
Right nephrectomy (removal of the kidney).
Partial ureterectomy (removal of part of the ureter).
CPT Coding:
50220: Nephrectomy, including partial ureterectomy, any open approach.
AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year).
CPT Assistant for detailed coding guidelines on nephrectomy procedures.
View MR 007400
MR 007400
Radiology Report
Patient: J. Lowe Date of Service: 06/10/XX
Age: 45
MR#: 4589799
Account #: 3216770
Location: ABC Imaging Center
Study: Mammogram bilateral screening, all views, producing direct digital image
Reason: Screen
Bilateral digital mammography with computer-aided detection (CAD)
No previous mammograms are available for comparison.
Clinical history: The patient has a positive family history (mother and sister) of breast cancer.
Mammogram was read with the assistance of GE iCAD (computerized diagnostic) system.
Findings: No dominant speculated mass or suspicious area of clustered pleomorphic microcalcifications is apparent Skin and nipples are seen to be normal. The axilla are unremarkable.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?
The procedure performed is a bilateral screening mammogram with computer-aided detection (CAD). CPT code 77067 is for bilateral screening mammography with CAD. ICD-10-CM code Z12.31 is for an encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of the breast. Z80.3 is for a family history of malignant neoplasm of the breast. Therefore, the correct coding is 77067, Z12.31, Z80.3. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), ICD-10-CM (current year).
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