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AAPC Exam CPC Topic 3 Question 12 Discussion

Actual exam question for AAPC's CPC exam
Question #: 12
Topic #: 3
[All CPC Questions]

View MR 099401

MR 099401

Established Patient Office Visit

Chief Complaint: Patient presents with bilateral thyroid nodules.

History of present illness: A 54-year-old patient is here for evaluation of bilateral thyroid nodules. Thyroid ultrasound was done last week which showed multiple thyroid masses likely due to multinodular goiter. Patient stated that she can ''feel" the nodules on the left side of her thyroid. Patient denies difficulty swallowing and she denies unexplained weight loss or gain. Patient does have a family history of thyroid cancer in her maternal grandmother. She gives no other problems at this time other than a palpable right-sided thyroid mass.

Review of Systems:

Constitutional: Negative for chills, fever, and unexpected weight change.

HENT: Negative for hearing loss, trouble swallowing and voice change.

Gastrointestinal: Negative for abdominal distention, abdominal pain, anal bleeding, blood in stool, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, rectal pain, and vomiting

Endocrine: Negative for cold Intolerance and heat intolerance.

Physical Exam:

Vitals: BP: 140/72, Pulse: 96, Resp: 16, Temp: 97.6 F (36.4 C), Temporal SpO2: 97%

Weight: 89.8 kg (198 lbs ), Height: 165.1 cm (65'')

General Appearance: Alert, cooperative, in no acute distress

Head: Normocephalic, without obvious abnormality, atraumatic

Throat: No oral lesions, no thrush, oral mucosa moist

Neck: No adenopathy, supple, trachea midline, thyromegaly is present, no carotid bruit, no JVD

Lungs: Clear to auscultation, respirations regular, even, and unlabored

Heart: Regular rhythm and normal rate, normal S1 and S2, no murmur, no gallop, no rub, no click

Lymph nodes: No palpable adenopathy


1) Multinodular goiter - the patient will have a percutaneous biopsy performed (minor procedure).

What E/M code is reported for this encounter?

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